We don’t have a clear answer of yet for the location of HGRA Track in 2025. We have permits out for St Paul track locations currently but don’t have a site confirmed as of yet. We will likely have one confirmed in early March. We expect the location to be either Washington Tech or Central HS at this point. Highland Park is still under construction until May 31st. You will be updated as information becomes available. The High School sports schedules take priority over outside organization events so this is the reason we have to wait before confirming a location as those schedules do not become available until later this year. HGRA Track plans to return to Highland Park Senior High School Track Stadium when it becomes available after May 31st as the current construction schedule is slated to go until at least May 31st.
HGRA Track is a co-ed program focused on teaching the fundamental athletic skills in an environment that emphasizes participation, learning, and having fun. There is something for everyone in track whether it be running, jumping, or throwing, but doing all three will make you a triple threat! The program is structured to help a young athlete progress through each age group and try new things in practice to help each individual grow and improve.
The Spring program also provides 4-5 track meets to its participants, free of charge, which allows all athletes the opportunity to compete in a setting that focuses on personal improvement, having fun with teammates, and enjoying the thrill of competition. The Track meets are always a highlight of the season.
Cancelled Practice/Meet due to Severe Weather:
In the case of heavy rain, storms or excessive heat, an email will be sent from the HGRA website, no later than 1 hour before the practice or meet is scheduled to start.
All track meet dates are pending permit approval and are tentative at this time. These are traditionally when we are able to have track meets during the season.
Wednesday, May 14th - Track Meet #1 @ 6:00pm
Saturday, May 31st - Track Meet #2 @ 8:00am
Wednesday, June 11th - Track Meet #3 @ 6:00pm
Wednesday, June 25th - Track Meet #4 @ 6:00pm (Final Day of HGRA Track)
Saturday, Feb 1st - Registration Opens
Saturday, March 15th - Late Registration Begins
Monday, April 28th - Track Practice Begins
Wednesday, May 14th - First Track Meet
Monday, May 26th - Memorial Day (No HGRA Activities)
Monday, June 23rd - Final Practice
Wednesday, June 25th - Final Track Meet
8U - 9/1/16 to 8/31/18
9U - 9/01/15 to 8/31/16
10U - 9/01/14 to 8/31/15
11U - 9/01/13 to 8/31/14
12U - 9/1/12 to 8/31/13
14U - 9/1/10 to 8/31/12
SPRING TRACK (Monday April 28th - Monday June 23rd)
6:15pm Gazelles
7:30pm Cheetahs
6:15pm Cheetahs
7:30pm Gazelles