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T-Ball League

General Info

This league is for players with dates of birth between 9-1-2018 and 8-31-2021. It is intended to introduce the the game of baseball in a relaxed and enjoyable way.

All kids bat and all play in the field.  Score is not kept in these games and there are no standings, post season play or trophies.

The season is typically from mid-May through mid-July.  Practices may begin a week or two before the first game, depending upon the preference of the team coaches. To make it easy on families with young children, HGRA T-Ball will meet only on Monday nights, which will be split between practice time and games.  Every player gets to bat, run the bases and play in the field each inning as they begin to learn the rudiments of the game.  All activities take place at the Groveland Rec Center baseball fields and Desnoyer Park fields from 6:00 - 8:00.  Score is not kept in these games and there are no standings, post season play or trophies.  

All participants will receive a game shirt and ball cap, and are expected wear them for each game.  Tennis shoes or rubber or plastic cleats required - metal cleats are not permitted.
Team assignment is random, except that we will grant requests made in precise compliance with our HGRA Buddy Rule.  We also attempt to cluster 3-4 girls per team in recognition that there usually are more boys than girls who register for TBall.  The age limits are strictly observed – requests to move up will not be granted.  

We need coaches! Coaching is fun and rewarding, and you will be paired with an experienced coach if this is your first season "in the dugout."   


HGRA Baseball has created overlapping ages to permit players at the top of a league's age range to opt into the next highest league ("play up").  Parents of children who fit within the overlapping ages are asked to carefully evaluate their child's playing abilities and social skills to determine iif the child is ready to play up.  Please do not make this choice based on non-baseball factors such as convenience, the desire to avoid scheduling conflicts, etc.  HGRA reserves the right in its sole discretion to move children who are playing up back to the lower league if the child is not able to safely or effectively participate at the higher level of play.  

Playing down to a lower age group is permitted only to accommodate a disability.  No exceptions are made to this.